Explore Transformations (Art Data)

Choose Reset before each Demo
Copy these Art Data Strings from here.
Paste it into Paste ArtData window in the MathArt App.
Follow the instruction with each Demo.
See what you can discover?

Stage Size Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Stage Size.

Spread Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Spread value.
Notice the change.
Increase the number of layers
Change the Spread value.
Notice the change.

Zoom Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Notice the relationship to layers and zoom value.
Enter -20 in the Zoom value
Change the Zoom value.
Change the Layers value.
Notice the change.

Layers Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Layers value.
Notice the change.

Rotate Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Rotate value.
Notice the change.
Change the Rotate value to 30 45 60 90 120 180 360.
Notice the change.

Scale Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Scale value.
Notice the change.

Skew Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Skew X value.
Notice the change.
Change the Skew Y value.
Notice the change.

Horizontal/Vertical Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Horizontal value.
Notice the change.
Change the Horizontal value.
Notice the change.

Color Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Choose values 10 20 30 40 50 60.
Notice the change.
Change the Hue slider.
Notice the change.

Sat Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Choose values 50 25 0.
Notice the change.
Change the Sat value.
Notice the change.

Val Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Choose values 50 25 0.
Notice the change.
Change the Val value.
Notice the change.

Transparency Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Alpha value.
Notice the change.

Stroke Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Change the Stroke Color value.
Notice the change.
Change the Stroke Width value.
Notice the change.
Choose a 0 the Alpha value.
Choose the Stroke Color Random Checkbox Notice the change.
Choose the Stroke Width Random Checkbox Notice the change.

Background Demo

Chooose Reset

Change the Background value.
Notice the change.
Note 0 is black.
Note 360 is white.

Random Demo

Copy this ArtData string.


Choose each checkbox individually one at a time.
Clear all checkboxes.
Choose all checkboxes starting at the top.
Clear all checkboxes
Choose all checkboxes starting at the bottom.
Clear all checkboxes
Notice the change.

MathArt Creator